
ppd pingpong delay

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ppd pingpong delay为短语/超纲词汇
1. C.You delay going to the doctor thinking that you will eventually feel better.

2. Why such a delay?

3. They have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money, and have less experience in learning to deal with delay in satisfaction, when every requested object is given on demand.

4. The core of emotional self-regulation is the ability to delay an immediate reward in the service of a goal.

5. The children who as four-year-olds had been able to wait for the two pieces of candy were, as teenagers, still able to delay pleasure in pursuing their goals.

6. He was champing with rage at the delay.

7. His irritation was caused by her delay.

8. He said the British government was anxious to begin Overlord as soon as possible but did not want to neglect the great possibilities in the Mediterranean merely for avoiding a delay of a month or two.

9. Start working on the assignment without delay. It doesn´t pay to procrastinate.

10. She has refused an operation that would delay, but not prevent, her death from cancer.
